
sdss_catl_utils.mocks_manager.catl_utils.catl_clean_nmin(catl_pd, catl_kind, catl_info='memb', reindex=True, nmin=1, perf_opt=False)[source] [edit on github]

Cleans and removed the bad rows with failed values, i.e. those that contain failed entries. This method also includes galaxies from groups above the nmin galaxy number threshold.

catl_pd : pandas.DataFrame

DataFrame containing the information about galaxies or galaxy groups.

catl_kind : {data, mocks} str, optional

Type of the catalogue being analyzed. This variable corresponds to whether a real or synthetic/mock catalogue is being read/analyzed.

  • data: Catalogue(s) from the SDSS real catalogues
  • mocks: Catalogue(s) from the mock catalogues.
catl_info : {memb, groups} bool, optional

Option for which type of catalogue is being analyzed. This variable correspondos to whether a galaxy-catalogue or a group-catalogue is being analyzed. This variable is set to memb by default.

  • memb: Galaxy catalogue with the member galaxies of groups.
  • groups: Catalogues with group information.
reindex : bool, optional

If True, the output catalogue is reindexed from the original dataframe catl_pd. This variable is set to True by default.

nmin : int, optional

Minimum group richness to have in the (galaxy) group catalogue. This variable is set to 1 by default, and must be larger than 1.

perf_opt : bool, optional

Option for using a perfect mock catalogue. This variable is set to False by default.

catl_pd_mod : pandas.DataFrame

Version of catl_pd after having removed the failed values of sSFR and Mstar, and also after having chosen only galaxies and groups with group richnesses larger than nmin.

SDSSCatlUtils_Error : Exception from SDSSCatlUtils_Error

Program exception if input parameters are not accepted.


Before using this function, one needs to have read one of the (galaxy) group catalogues. If for example, one wants to create a new object from the data real SDSS catalogue with galaxies from groups with n > 10, one can do:

>>> from cosmo_utils.utils import file_readers as cfr
>>> from sdss_catl_utils.mocks_manager.catl_utils import catl_clean_nmin
>>> nmin = 10 # Minimum number of galaxies in file
>>> catl_pd = cfr.read_hdf5_file_to_pandas_DF('/path/to/file') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> catl_mod = catl_clean_nmin(catl_pd, 'data', nmin=nmin) # doctest: +SKIP

Now, the resulting catalogue will only include galaxies from groups with n > 10.