Comprehensive SDSS_Catl_Utils Reference/API

sdss_catl_utils Package


test(**kwargs) Run the tests for the package.


SDSSCatlUtils_Error(message) Base class of all LSS_Utils-specific exceptions

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of sdss_catl_utils.custom_exceptions.SDSSCatlUtils_Error, sdss_catl_utils.UnsupportedPythonError

sdss_catl_utils.mocks_manager Package

The mocks_manager sub-package is responsible for downloading galaxy and group galaxy catalogue data, storing hdf5 binaries and keeping a persistent memory of their location on disk and associated metadata.

sdss_catl_utils.mocks_manager.catl_utils Module


catl_keys([catl_kind, perf_opt, return_type]) Provides a dictionary/list with the corresponding keys for 1) halo mass, 2) Haloid/GroupID, 3) Group/Halo Galaxy-Type.
catl_keys_prop([catl_kind, catl_info, …]) Provides a dictionary/list with the corresponding keys for 1) specific star formation rate (sSFR) and 2) stellar mass.
catl_clean(catl_pd, catl_kind[, catl_info, …]) Cleans and removes the bad rows, i.e.
catl_clean_nmin(catl_pd, catl_kind[, …]) Cleans and removed the bad rows with failed values, i.e.
catl_prefix_str([catl_kind, hod_n, …]) Prefix string for the combination of input parameters that describe a set of catalog(s).
catl_prefix_path([catl_kind, hod_n, …]) Prefix of the paths based on the type of catalogues and input parameters chosen.
catl_prefix_main([catl_type, catl_kind, …]) Prefix of the paths based on the type of catalogues and input parameters chosen.
check_input_params(input_var, var_name[, …]) Checks the type and/or values for different variables.

sdss_catl_utils.models Package

The models sub-package is responsible for downloading galaxy and group galaxy catalogue data, storing hdf5 binaries and keeping a persistent memory of their location on disk and associated metadata.

sdss_catl_utils.models.catl_models Module


DownloadManager(**kwargs) Class used to scrape the web for galaxy and group galaxy catalogue data and cache the downloaded catalogues.
CatlUtils(**kwargs) Class used to handle the galaxy/group galaxy/group catalogues, after the catalogues have been downloaded.
SDSSConformity() Class used to handle the galaxy/group catalogues for the Calderon et al.(2018) analysis.
SDSSCatlAnalysis() Class used to handle the galaxy/group catalogues for the Calderon et al.(2019) analysis.
SDSSMLAnalysis() Class used to handle the galaxy/group catalogues for the Calderon et al.(2019) analysis.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of sdss_catl_utils.models.catl_models.DownloadManager, sdss_catl_utils.models.catl_models.CatlUtils, sdss_catl_utils.models.catl_models.SDSSConformity, sdss_catl_utils.models.catl_models.SDSSCatlAnalysis, sdss_catl_utils.models.catl_models.SDSSMLAnalysis