
sdss_catl_utils.mocks_manager.catl_utils.catl_prefix_path(catl_kind='mocks', hod_n=0, halotype='fof', clf_method=1, clf_seed=1235, dv=1.0, sigma_clf_c=0.1417, sample='19', type_am='mr', perf_opt=False)[source] [edit on github]

Prefix of the paths based on the type of catalogues and input parameters chosen. It returns the typical path to the galaxy/group catalogues.

catl_kind : {data, mocks} str

Kind of catalogues to download. This variable is set to mocks by default.

  • data: Downloads the SDSS DR7 real catalogues.
  • mocks: Downloads the synthetic catalogues of SDSS DR7.
hod_n : int, optional

Number of the HOD model to use. This value is set to 0 by default.

halotype : {‘so’, ‘fof’}, str, optional

Type of dark matter definition to use. This value is set to so by default.

  • so: Spherical Overdensity halo definition.
  • fof: Friends-of-Friends halo definition.
clf_method : {1, 2, 3}, int, optional

Method for assigning galaxy properties to mock galaxies. This variable dictates how galaxies are assigned luminosities or stellar masses based on their galaxy type and host halo’s mass. This variable is set to 1 by default.

  • 1: Independent assignment of (g-r) colour, sersic, and specific star formation rate (logssfr)
  • 2: (g-r) colour dictates active/passive designation and draws values independently.
  • 3: (g-r) colour dictates active/passive designation, and assigns other galaxy properties for that given galaxy.
clf_seed : int, optional

Value of the random seed used for the conditional luminosity function. This variable is set to 1235 default.

dv : float, optional

Value for the velocity bias parameter. It is the difference between the galaxy and matter velocity profiles.

\[dv = \frac{v_{g} - v_{c}}{v_{m} - v_{c}}\]

where \(v_g\) is the galaxy’s velocity; \(v_m\), the matter velocity.

sigma_clf_c : float, optional

Value of the scatter in log(L) for central galaxies, when being assigned during the conditional luminosity function (CLF). This variable is set to 0.1417 by default.

sample : {‘18’, ‘19’, ‘20’, ‘21’}, str, optional

Luminosity of the SDSS volume-limited sample to analyze. This variable is set to '19' by default.

  • '18': \(M_r = 18\) volume-limited sample
  • '19': \(M_r = 19\) volume-limited sample
  • '20': \(M_r = 20\) volume-limited sample
  • '21': \(M_r = 21\) volume-limited sample
type_am : {‘mr’, ‘mstar’}, str, optional

Type of Abundance matching used in the catalogue. This variable is set to 'mr' by default.

  • 'mr': Luminosity-based abundance matching used
  • 'mstar': Stellar-mass-based abundance matching used.
perf_opt : bool, optional

If True, it chooses to analyze the perfect version of the synthetic galaxy/group galaxy catalogues. Otherwise, it downloads the catalogues with group-finding errors included. This variable is set to False by default.

catl_prefix : str

Prefix of the paths based on the type of catalogues and input parameters.